Major skin problems like dark spots, wrinkles and drying of skin arise due to excessive exposure to sunrays and the ultra violet rays present in the sunrays. If you do not take preventive measures earlier, the situation may be worse in future leading to acute problems like skin cancer which is very difficult to cure. The World Health Organization also confirms that prolonged exposure to ultra violet rays in the sun rays causes degeneration of skin cells, fibrous tissues and blood vessels resulting premature aging of skin.
If we do not build a sun protective habit we will be prone to the bad effects of the UV rays. Among the many types of ultra violet rays UVA, UVB and UVC are the major ones. UVA responsible for causing sun burn or erythema as almost 90% of the UVA present in the sunrays comes in contact with our skin. UVB, the only source of vitamin D in sunrays is responsible for causing skin cancer and the UVC which seldom reaches us may also cause corneal burns. So wearing UV Protection Clothing is the prudent choice for avoiding all these hassles.
For maintaining a healthy skin you should use UV protection clothing and also develop this habit among your kids for their protection. Because kids have the tendency to be out in the sun at the first opportunity they get. So you must always arrange for their protection as The American Society of Cancer also warns us about the ill effects of the ultraviolet rays on our skin and recommends that we use only those clothing which are designed to have UV protection with UPF 50+ rating.
Weave, color, weight and stretch are the factors that determine the level of sun protection of Sun Protection Clothing. As these are usually meant to be worn during warm and humid days such clothing is also available ventilated weaves for your comfort. These only differ in fabrics form our traditional clothing otherwise they come in all sorts of designs, shapes and colors you name. The only thing you must check is its protection level because clothing with UPF 50+ rating is only able to give you sufficient protection.

For maintaining a healthy skin you should use UV protection clothing and also develop this habit among your kids for their protection. Because kids have the tendency to be out in the sun at the first opportunity they get. So you must always arrange for their protection as The American Society of Cancer also warns us about the ill effects of the ultraviolet rays on our skin and recommends that we use only those clothing which are designed to have UV protection with UPF 50+ rating.
Weave, color, weight and stretch are the factors that determine the level of sun protection of Sun Protection Clothing. As these are usually meant to be worn during warm and humid days such clothing is also available ventilated weaves for your comfort. These only differ in fabrics form our traditional clothing otherwise they come in all sorts of designs, shapes and colors you name. The only thing you must check is its protection level because clothing with UPF 50+ rating is only able to give you sufficient protection.